The keynote speaker at the event last November 13th was Muhammad Yunus ,

Zann Gill's new book, "What Daedalus told Darwin, Darwin's dilemma & designing intelligence" is expected to hit the bookstands in 2009. She lucidly explains the essential balance between competition and collaboration, which is not only theoretically fascinating but has huge practical implications. This important work addresses our very survival on the planet. Zann Gill's thesis, which shows the link between how evolution plays out and future sustainability, supports the mission of Chemists Without Borders to network local anti-pollution initiatives toward global sustainability. Here she gives a great video preview of the book:
Twelve score years and ten today, January 25, 2009, the great Scottish bard and social commentator Robert Burns was born. I once asked the late David Faison what would the poet be if he lived today? "A rock star!" he replied. Few realize how much Burns's sayings and quotations are part of daily use in the English language. Steinbeck's book Of Mice And Men takes its title from Burns's great poem, To a Mouse (where the emphasis is on the "and", by the way). Burns's Auld Lang Syne is sung throughout the world the moment each new year is rung in, but few have any idea what it means; it's what it does mean that has kept it in this unique position of highest honor for over 200 years (more of which, on another occasion). People around the world on this night celebrate Burns's birth with a Burns Supper, a great festive occasion where poems are read, whisky is drunk (and often so are the drinkers), and haggis is eaten. There may well be a celebration near you - perhaps next year . . .
Image by Barefoot Photographers of Tilonia via Flickr
Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius: Legendary Roman hero; conqueror of Volscian Corioli; exiled for anti-democratic views; led Volscian army against Rome; pacified through intercession of his mother. Title and hero of Shakespearean play. [source: Routlege's Universal Encyclopaedia]
Coriolis effect: n. a hypothetical force used to explain rotating systems, such that the movement of air or water over the surface of the rotating earth is directed clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere. [G. G. Coriolis, French scientist, d. 1843] [source: Wordfinder, Sara Tulloch, ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993]
Coriolanus effect: n. the act of going around in ever decreasing circles until one vanishes up one's own backside. [Glaswegian expression]
There's a great example of the Coriolanus effect in this article in The Economist magazine regarding Protectionism:
The battle of Smoot-Hawley (Dec 18th 2008, from The Economist print edition) A cautionary tale about how a protectionist measure opposed by all right-thinking people was passed