Regular 1st week meeting June 5, 2008 @ 1700 GMT
Doug Molitor, Steve Chambreau, Bego Gerber, Lois Ongley
Our first meeting will be in Campbell, CA June 15, 2008 from noon on.
We will discuss our mission and vision; introduce everyone; review our on-going projects and do a project management training. In articular we will discuss efforts to alleviate some of hte difficulites caused by the China earthquake.
We will try to use and invote our members. If you would like to attend and don't get an evite, contact longley at unity dot edu.
After the meeting, we will have a potluck BBQ and swim.
Restructure these biweekly calls. We will consider using Skype Live for our phone calls which are held regularly the first Thursday of the month @ 1600 GMT and the Friday after the third Thursday at 0100 GMT. More later. Timing may vary due to the US dayligfht savings time and other minor complications :).
Press releases
Press releases should be no more than 350. We hope to get them our more regularly so that we can widen our "google footprint". We now have a group on Facebook.
That's the last time I post without doing a spell check!