Thursday, June 26, 2008

possible life on Mars?

This is exciting... if for nothing else, the chemistry of Mars is starting to be known!

(click on the title for the link)


Friday, June 20, 2008

Annan Discusses Food Aid and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa | June 11, 2008 | PBS

"Annan: World Must Help African Nations Tackle Food Crisis

"Fuel costs and supply shortages have caused a spike in food prices across Africa -- prompting calls for an agricultural revolution on the continent. Former U.N. chief Kofi Annan discusses efforts to address the crisis." Please watch the video here.

Web Tools Help to Reshape '08 Campaign Trail

This NewsHour segment is a great review of the impact of the Information Age on current affairs. While it specifically refers to the impact on the US presidential election, the implications are broad and apply to the building of our own Chemists Without Borders community. Please check this out. You can watch the video, listen to the audio, or read a transcript. It begins:
"A new report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project finds that a record-breaking 46 percent of Americans have used the Internet, e-mail or cell phone text messaging to get news about the campaigns. Analysts examine how new Web-based tools are expanding the campaign trail."

The Online NewsHour: AIDS in Africa: Focus on Rwanda and Tanzania | PBS

The Online NewsHour: AIDS in Africa: Focus on Rwanda and Tanzania | PBS

Here are some excellent reports on progress being made in Africa resulting from the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

First week June conference call

Regular 1st week meeting June 5, 2008 @ 1700 GMT
Doug Molitor, Steve Chambreau, Bego Gerber, Lois Ongley

Our first meeting will be in Campbell, CA June 15, 2008 from noon on.
We will discuss our mission and vision; introduce everyone; review our on-going projects and do a project management training. In articular we will discuss efforts to alleviate some of hte difficulites caused by the China earthquake.

We will try to use and invote our members. If you would like to attend and don't get an evite, contact longley at unity dot edu.

After the meeting, we will have a potluck BBQ and swim.

Restructure these biweekly calls. We will consider using Skype Live for our phone calls which are held regularly the first Thursday of the month @ 1600 GMT and the Friday after the third Thursday at 0100 GMT. More later. Timing may vary due to the US dayligfht savings time and other minor complications :).

Press releases
Press releases should be no more than 350. We hope to get them our more regularly so that we can widen our "google footprint". We now have a group on Facebook.

Green auto advertising in Britain

Choice quote:

"But the ad agencies argue their work has a minimal role in persuading people to buy a new car, raising the question of why car companies take up so much space in magazines."

Either the advertisers are really bad at their jobs, or they haven't watched the Superbowl...